

The 2 actuators elevator is used to lift and set up sofas and armchairs in order to assign them to the finishing touch of manual works. The machine is in steel S235, it is dust painted; not only it permits an easy taking of sofas and armchairs from a minimum height of 270 mm. but also it permits a height placement to 1.000 mm. The taking terminal has a spherical joint and it provides to the operator the maximum flexibility of placement of sofas and armchairs. Thanks to telescopic elements, the taking plate is used to the blocking of different types of sofas and armchairs.

Technical specifications

Maximum size mm 1.345 x 500 x 1.300
Weight kg 230
Maximum stroke kg 150

PO Puglia 2014-2020 - Azione 3.5 - Avviso per l'erogazione di voucher a favore dei processi di internazionalizzazione delle micro, piccole e medie imprese pugliesi - Voucher fiere 2018-19